VOCAL 100 Club – October 2022 Results

…in cash prizes. Want to join the 100 Club? Join the VOCAL 100 club October 2022 draw results This month’s winning numbers are: 20 54 103 58 33 16 Download the full results for this month’s Prize Draw October 2022… Read more

Carers Rights Day – join our free event!

…event on Thursday 24 November from 2pm – 4pm to provide you with information and support, so you can feel confident asking for what you need and challenge things when your rights are not being met. To book your free Read more

Real life carer stories

…also travelled widely and become an author. She kindly agreed to share her perspective on becoming a carer and its impact. Download Pat’s story VOCAL25 – Tam – Short Breaks Tam cares for his wife Kate who is living with… Read more

Challenge Poverty Week 2022

Today marks the start of Challenge Poverty Week. The rapid increase in the cost of living is putting huge pressure on carers across the country. The latest research by Carers Scotland shows that more than half (52%) of unpaid carers… Read more

VOCAL 100 Club – September 2022 Results

…in cash prizes. Want to join the 100 Club? Join the VOCAL 100 club September 2022 draw results This month’s winning numbers are: 70 6 108 107 33 36 Download the full results for this month’s Prize Draw September 2022… Read more

Carer’s Leave Bill

VOCAL has long campaigned for and championed carers’ rights in the workplace, supporting national and local employers in Scotland to implement meaningful workplace policies and practice that enables carers to reconcile employment with their caring responsibilities. We live in a… Read more

Our newsletter, Carers’ News is now available!

Our printed newsletter, Carers’ News is sent to over 8,000 carers in Edinburgh and Midlothian and shares the latest news and information from across VOCAL. The latest edition, issue 78 is now live and can be downloaded on our website…. Read more

Self-directed support

and Midlothian) Free personal care for under 65’s Information on a Section 23 assessment for children SDS Scotland Information on adult carer support plans and accessing SDS as a carer COCIS Information on adult carer support plans and accessing SDS… Read more

VOCAL 100 Club – August 2022 Results

…in cash prizes. Want to join the 100 Club? Join the VOCAL 100 club August 2022 draw results This month’s winning numbers are: 49 104 110 53 98 42 Download the full results for this month’s Prize Draw August 2022… Read more


…e-bulletin, będą regularnie otrzymywać e-biuletyn z najnowszymi wiadomościami i informacjami dla opiekunów. Czasami opiekunowie wymagają rozmowy telefonicznej, w którym to przypadku pracownik zespołu VOCAL zadzwoni, aby dogłębniej poznać sytuację. Złóż wniosek o pomoc dla siebie lub w czyimś imieniu: www.vocal.org.uk/referrals/… Read more