Carer’s Leave Bill

…society that depends on unpaid carers and without them, the health of our nation and our economy would suffer. At present there is an imbalance; our society does not adequately support unpaid carers as equal partners in care, and those… Read more

VOCAL 100 Club – August 2022 Results

…in cash prizes. Want to join the 100 Club? Join the VOCAL 100 club August 2022 draw results This month’s winning numbers are: 49 104 110 53 98 42 Download the full results for this month’s Prize Draw August 2022… Read more


…członkiem rodziny, również możesz skierować opiekuna do VOCAL. Możesz złożyć wniosek o pomoc w czyimś imieniu za jego zgodą. Będziesz potrzebował imienia i nazwiska, adresu, danych osobowych oraz zarysu sytuacji, w której znajduje się opiekun. Upewnij się, że opiekun jest… Read more

VOCAL 100 Club – July 2022 Results

…in cash prizes. Want to join the 100 Club? Join the VOCAL 100 club July 2022 draw results This month’s winning numbers are: 12 28 106 85 78 30 Download the full results for this month’s Prize Draw July 2022… Read more

VOCAL 100 Club – June 2022 Results

…cash prizes. Want to join the 100 Club? Join the VOCAL 100 club June 2022 draw results This month’s winning numbers are: 54 106 72 61 104 12 Download the full results for this month’s Prize Draw 20 June 2022… Read more

Taking a break from your caring role

…necessary, help you access funding or support through your local social services. There is no ‘one size fits all’ and we can help you think about what would make a real difference to you. Not sure where to… Read more

VOCAL 100 Club – May 2022 Results

…in cash prizes. Want to join the 100 Club? Join the VOCAL 100 club May 2022 draw results This month’s winning numbers are: 15 86 23 104 106 17 Download the full results for this month’s Prize Draw May 2022… Read more

Treasure Tree

…support services for unpaid carers. Encourage the re-use of mobility equipment and reduce the cost of caring. Promote independence, safety, social inclusion & quality of life for the elderly, disabled and their carers. Help to give elderly and disabled people… Read more

Twoje zdrowie fizyczne i psychiczne

…sobie ze wszystkimi problemami w pojedynkę. Bycie świadomym swoich ograniczeń nie jest oznaką słabości, lecz – przeciwnie – siły. Proś o pomoc i nie staraj się zmagać ze wszystkim samemu. Może Cię zaskoczyć, od kogo możesz otrzymać pomoc! Pamiętaj o… Read more

Universal credit

…or laptop, find out where to get online for free on the UK Online website VOCAL ‘Money Matters’ surgeries For advice on benefits and other financial matters, book an appointment at one of VOCAL’s free Money Matters surgeries. Contact VOCAL… Read more