Carers Week – A story from one of our carers

…“Once I met with VOCAL, simply taking the time to reflect, rather than necessarily finding a solution, was what helped me enormously. Although my immediate relationship with VOCAL was relatively short, it was still great. The saying ‘quality not quantity’… Read more

Carers Week – 7-13 June

…see what support is available.” Am I a carer? Are you supporting a family member, partner, relative or friend, of any age, who needs help to manage a long term condition, disability, physical or mental health problem or addiction? If… Read more

Help us make caring visible and valued

…caring visible and valued across you workplace, organisation, community and/or networks. Here are five ways you can support carers this Carers Week: 1) Download our toolkit (below) for easy links, resources and information to share with your networks 2) Promote… Read more

Join our Carers Week activities!

Carers Week is taking place from 7-13 June and this year’s theme is ‘Make Caring Visible and Valued’. In support of this, we have a programme of events and Wee Breaks for carers in Edinburgh and Midlothian including afternoon tea,… Read more

VOCAL 100 Club – May 2021 Results

…Want to join the 100 Club? Join the VOCAL 100 club May 2021 draw results This month’s winning numbers are: 87 91 35 13 23 26 Download the full results for this month’s 100 Club May 2021 Prize Draw 110… Read more

Scottish Election – Results & Carer Promises

…than one person and of introducing a Carer Recognition Payment for those not able to claim Carer’s Assistance due to the ‘overlapping benefits’ rule. Double the Young Carer Grant to £600 a year and expand eligibility, by, for example, ensuring… Read more

VOCAL 100 Club – April 2021 Results

…cash prizes. Want to join the 100 Club? Join the VOCAL 100 club April 2021 draw results This month’s winning numbers are: 14 49 50 51 59 26 Download the full results for this month’s Prize Draw 109 April 2021…. Read more

Manifesto for Unpaid Carers and Young Carers

…Government. We want a society that respects, values, and supports carers. To realise this, we want the next parliament to be the most carer friendly ever. To help us achieve this, we want all candidates standing for election to hear… Read more

VOCAL 100 Club – March 2021 Results

…cash prizes. Want to join the 100 Club? Join the VOCAL 100 club March 2021 draw results This month’s winning numbers are: 36 14 17 87 80 12 Download the full results for this month’s Prize Draw 108 March 2021…. Read more