What happens when I make a referral?

…with news and information for carers. We also send information about relevant training and events by email and post. For more details about how we use your personal information, please read our privacy statement. Please note: Carer Information Packs are… Read more

Doogie’s Guitar Auction Donation for VOCAL

…difference to carers. This will support carers directly through small grants to assist carers who are facing financial pressures and have found themselves unable to manage their day-to-day expenses. For more information and to donate, visit Just Giving: https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/vocal-caring-at-christmas  … Read more

Wills and trusts

…you and your family members to create a will for free. The process is simple: Complete an online form through Bequeathed. Your form is sent to a solicitor. The solicitor will then create the final document and send this to… Read more

VOCAL 100 Club – December 2021 Results

…cash prizes. Want to join the 100 Club? Join the VOCAL 100 club December 2021 draw results This month’s winning numbers are: 61 47 62 54 28 110 Download the full results for this month’s Prize Draw 15 December 2021…. Read more

Wsparcie emocjonalne

…jak może ucząc się „po drodze”. Możemy kochać osobę, którą się opiekujemy lecz codzienne obowiązki dbania o jej potrzeby mogą oznaczać, że nasze własne potrzeby są często zaniedbywane. Jakkolwiek dające satysfakcję, opiekowanie się kimś może być również frustrujące i stresujące…. Read more

Wsparcie finansowe

…Independence Payments (PIP) Universal Credit (UC) Attendance Allowance (AA) Employment Support Allowance (ESA) Income Support (IS) / Pension Credit (PC) Housing Benefit (HB) and Council Tax Benefit (CTB) Health benefits The Social Fund Carer Credits Więcej informacji na temat powyższych… Read more

VOCAL 100 Club – November 2021 Results

…cash prizes. Want to join the 100 Club? Join the VOCAL 100 club November 2021 draw results This month’s winning numbers are: 103 60 61 35 86 36 Download the full results for this month’s Prize Draw 116 November 2021…. Read more

Zmiany w związkach

…życie oraz relacje z rodziną, przyjaciółmi, pracodawcą oraz osobą, którą się opiekują. W celu uzyskania infomacji na temat radzenia sobie ze zmianami w życiu osobistym, wynikającymi z potrzeby opiekowania sie osobą najbliższą , proszę pobrać broszurę ‘Changing Relationships’ (English version)…. Read more

VOCAL Midlothian – Winter programme 2021/2022

…with and have a wee break from caring. Our free training programme also includes events to support your wellbeing over the next few weeks. To view the full programme, click the following link, or download below: VOCAL Midlothian Winter Programme… Read more

Edinburgh Carers’ Recovery Fund now open for applications

…and carers of minority communities. To apply, visit the following page on our Wee Breaks website: https://weebreaks.com/wee-breaks-edinburgh/ Carers in Midlothian can apply for a break through our Wee Breaks Midlothian service. More information is available on the Wee Breaks website…. Read more