Caring in the City – issue 69 (May 2018)
The ‘Caring in the City’ newsletter is VOCAL’s printed newsletter, sent to over 6,000 carers in Edinburgh in three issues a year.
The ‘Caring in the City’ newsletter is VOCAL’s printed newsletter, sent to over 6,000 carers in Edinburgh in three issues a year.
Take part in the VOCAL 100 club – our monthly lottery which raises funds for carer support and pays out 50% of funds raised in prizes.
This Briefing Paper has been produced by MECOPP to assist local authorities and health boards consider issues which may arise in supporting carers with one or more protected characteristics in delivering responsibilities under the Carers Act.
The new Edinburgh Carers’ Hub at 60 Leith Walk has opened it’s doors and VOCAL staff and volunteers (pictured) look forward to welcoming you to our new premises!
The Carers’ (Scotland) Act came into effect on 1 April 2018 and provides new rights for unpaid carers in Scotland. Find out how the Act can support you to make an emergency plan, adult carer support plan or access a short break.
Read the findings of the 2017 VOCAL carer surveys – the largest ever survey of carers in Edinburgh and Midlothian.
Take part in the VOCAL 100 club – our monthly lottery which raises funds for carer support and pays out 50% of funds raised in prizes.
VOCAL will be closed from Monday 26 March 2018 until mid-April while we move the Edinburgh carer centre and head office to new premises on Leith Walk.
Take part in the VOCAL 100 club – our monthly lottery which raises funds for carer support and pays out 50% of funds raised in prizes.
Over 1,300 carers took part in VOCAL’s 2017 carer survey and prize draw.
The VOCAL e-bulletin is sent via email approximately once per month. We will never pass on your details and you can unsubscribe at any time.
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