In our Edinburgh Carers Survey 2023, we saw that unpaid carers are very in need of a break. There are barriers you might face, however, such as the cost, the fact that nobody else would be available to provide care, or feeling overwhelmed at the thought of organising a break. Over half of carers we surveyed said that they find taking a break stressful, worrying, or they feel guilty. 

Our Wee Breaks service supports unpaid carers in Edinburgh and Midlothian to take time to breathe, recharge and think about themselves for an hour, a day or longer. A break doesn’t need to be a weekend away. It can be time you take for yourself to enjoy the things you love, like reading or exercising. 

Visit our Wee Breaks website for information about how to access, plan and fund a break. We aim to help carers improve their mental and physical health, which allows them to continue caring.

We do this through:  

  • Free tickets to respitality (respite + hospitality) events and activities in Edinburgh and Midlothian 
  • Funding for other types of break 
  • Holiday homes owned by VOCAL in Blair Atholl and Seton Sands