Employment and Support Allowance

For full details of New Style ESA and how to apply, visit the UK government website.

Visit Citizens Advice Scotland for more advice on your application for New Style ESA.

Previously, this benefit was split into two categories: contribution-based ESA for anyone who has paid enough National Insurance contributions (NICs); or income-related ESA for anyone on a low income or who has not paid enough NICs. Claims for ESA can now only be made if you have paid enough NICs – so the first category, contribution-based ESA, is now known as New Style ESA. 

When you apply, your claim will be assessed to see which group you fit into. This assessment can take up to 13 weeks. You will receive a standard rate of pay in the meantime, which may then be increased after your assessment is complete.  

Work-related activity group  

  • You cannot work now, but can prepare to work in the future, for example by writing a CV 
  • You have to attend regular interviews with a work coach 
  • Support lasts up to 1 year 

Support group 

  • You cannot work now and you’re not expected to prepare for work in the future (for example, if you have a severe disability or illness, including a terminal illness) 
  • You do not have to attend regular interviews 
  • There is no time limit on the support you receive 


  • You have a disability or health condition which affects how much you can work 
  • You are under State Pension age (you can find out your State Pension age on the UK government website
  • You do not also receive Job Seeker’s Allowance (JSA) or statutory sick pay 
  • You have worked, either as an employee or self-employed 
  • You have paid enough National Insurance credits or contributions in the last 2-3 years (you can check your National Insurance record on the UK government website
  • You currently work less than 16 hours per week, or earn less than £183.50 per week 
  • You can show that your medical condition gives you a “limited capacity for work” (by getting a fit note from your GP, a registered nurse, occupational therapist or physiotherapist – either printed or digital)

Weekly amounts 

While your claim is being assessed: 

Circumstances Weekly amount 
Age under 25 £71.70 
Age 25 or over £90.50 

After the assessment is complete: 

Group Weekly amount 
Work-related activity Up to £90.50 
Support Up to £138.20