We recognise and advocate for carers as equal partners in care

We support carers to 

  • build on their strengths and skills
  • identify and achieve their outcomes 
  • strengthen their resilience 
  • improve their quality of lives 

We believe in diversity, equality of opportunity and choice

We promote transparency and honesty

We treat people with dignity and respect

We create opportunities for innovation, creativity and enterprise

We seek to work in partnership around agreed outcomes

How we promote our values

VOCAL will publicise the values which underpin all our work.

We will display the values on our website and publish them within carer publications, magazines, welcome packs, business and service plans, annual reports, in relevant funding applications and in print and digital communication for carers and partner agencies

VOCAL will embed its value in all trustee, staff and volunteer training and support

We will incorporate our values in all job and role description, induction training, personal objectives and in trustee, staff and volunteer training and appraisal.