Am I a carer?

Are you supporting a family member, partner, relative or friend, of any age, who needs help to manage a long-term condition, disability, physical or mental health condition or addiction? If the answer is yes – you are a carer.

Your caring role could be as simple as getting their shopping once a week, taking them to medical appointments or you could be responsible for all their everyday needs.

You can’t always tell if someone is a carer but those providing care and support to family members and friends need support too. You may see yourself as a doing what any wife, husband, partner, son, daughter, parent, relative or friend would do. You are also a carer.

Support for unpaid carers

VOCAL supports carers in all family or relationship settings, be they defined by kinship, partnership, friendship, affection or obligation.

Watch more of our carers’ stories videos to find out more about what it means to be a carer and the benefits of accessing the support and resources you are entitled to.

Next section: Where to start