Carers Week Edinburgh - VOCAL

Carers Week Edinburgh

Carers Week is an annual campaign, organised by Carers UK. The theme for Carers Week 2023 is ‘Recognising and supporting carers in the community’ and will take place from 5 – 11 June.

To celebrate Carers Week we’ve got a fantastic range of events and activities available for carers in Edinburgh:

  • Coffee morning and floral corsage workshop: Wed 7 June | 10.30am – 12pm | Edinburgh Carers’ Hub. Come to our friendly carer centre and meet other carers for a cuppa and chat and have some ‘ME’ time. During the coffee morning why not join in with a relaxing needle felting activity and create beautiful floral corsages with artist Sarah. Suitable for beginners and all materials will be provided.
  • Foraging Walk: Wed 7 June | 2pm – 3.30pm | Pilrig Park. Connect with nature and find your inner, wild forager. Join us for a gentle guided walk in Pilrig Park to discover and learn about varieties of plants that are edible or medicinal. Our expert will help you identify what you find and learn what can be safely used or eaten. Suitable for all ages and abilities.
  • Sound therapy: Fri 9 June | 11:30am – 12:45pm | Edinburgh Carers’ Hub. This live sound bath session will gently guide you into a meditative state of deep relaxation and calm, soothing mind and body. Please bring your own mat (eg. a yoga mat), a blanket and a small pillow/cushion if you wish to lie down, which is strongly recommended.

We also have a selection of Wee Breaks available for carers in Edinburgh. Check out our programme of events on our website.

Carers Week is a great opportunity to raise awareness of unpaid caring and encourage carers to access support. Carers can even self-refer on our website.

We provide one-to-one support to carers regardless of the age or condition of the person being cared for. We can support any caring situation, in the following ways:

  • Carer events, activities, and training – free learning opportunities on health and wellbeing, and condition specific topics
  • Peer support – join our peer support groups or one-to-one meetings with a trained peer mentor volunteer who is also a carer
  • Information and advice surgeries – led by professionals in specialist areas such as money matters, legal matters, long-term care and accessing breaks
  • Wee Breaks – help accessing a short break from your caring role including funding options
  • Family Support Addictions – specialist support for those affected by someone else’s drug or alcohol use
  • Grants and funding to help take away some financial stress
  • Counselling

If you think you might be a carer and would like to find out more and self-refer, visit our referrals website.

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