VOCAL offer tailored support to carers in employment. Carers can join training and events aimed specifically at those who balance employment alongside caring for someone. As an employer, you can highlight these opportunities to carers in your workplace.
Working Carer Sessions
These informal online sessions are a chance for carers to meet in a safe environment to discuss challenges, learn from others and seek support.
Sessions feature a different theme each month including a short presentation followed by an interactive discussion.
These sessions usually run in the evening. They are open to carers living in and/or caring for a person in Edinburgh and Midlothian.
Carers@Work Facebook group
This closed Facebook group is managed by VOCAL and offers carers the opportunity to engage with other carers in Edinburgh and Midlothian. Carers can join the group by searching Carers@Work on Facebook and requesting to join.
Training and events
We provide informative and social training and events on a wide range of topics that carers may find interesting or relevant to their caring role. Browse the programme, and register here.
Wee Breaks – Time off from caring
Our short breaks service helps carers take time for themselves to relax, recharge and unwind. Practical online resources are available on the Wee Breaks website, including planning a break from caring, identifying funding streams and finding break opportunities which have been gifted by the hospitality and tourism sector.