Carers Week is an annual campaign, organised by Carers UK. The theme for Carers Week 2024 is ‘Putting carers on the map’ and it will take place from 10 – 16 June.
To celebrate Carers Week we’ve got a fantastic range of events and activities planned for carers in Edinburgh and Midlothian. We also have a range of Wee Breaks available! Keep an eye on our channels for updates.
Carers Week is a great opportunity to raise awareness of unpaid caring and encourage carers to access support. Carers can even self-refer on our website.
We provide one-to-one support to carers regardless of the age or condition of the person being cared for. We can support any caring situation, in the following ways:
- Carer training – free learning opportunities on health and wellbeing, and condition-specific topics
- Peer support – join our peer support groups or one-to-one meetings with a trained peer mentor volunteer who is also a carer
- Information and advice surgeries – led by professionals in specialist areas such as money matters, legal matters, long-term care and accessing breaks
- Wee Breaks – help accessing a short break from your caring role
- Family Support Addictions – specialist support for those affected by someone else’s drug or alcohol use
- Relationship counselling
If you think you might be a carer and would like to find out more and self-refer, visit our referrals page.