VOCAL and Thrive need your help in shaping the future of Edinburgh’s mental health services - VOCAL

VOCAL and Thrive need your help in shaping the future of Edinburgh’s mental health services

Are you a carer for a person with a mental health condition, or do you work with carers who care for someone with a mental health condition?

VOCAL and Thrive Edinburgh are developing an exciting project, working with carers and mental health services in Edinburgh to support carers’ involvement in care planning and service design.

From June – September 2021 we will be running a series of consultation events for carers. The information we gather will be analysed and shared with carers and services to develop carer involvement across Edinburgh.

Please find a link to the survey below. All responses will be kept confidential and the survey will close on 30 June 2021.

Survey link: https://forms.office.com/r/VBvdB7bQPu

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