The VOCAL team took time to place the star at the top of the Christmas tree at the Leith Walk Carers’ Hub this week. The team, who have rarely had a chance to see each other over the last 9 months, wanted to make sure that the Carers Are Stars message was reflected throughout the community.
“VOCAL has continued to support carers across Edinburgh through the COVID pandemic when many more people have taken on caring roles and caring duties have increased in hours as well as intensity. This Christmas, we want to spread the word in our community that Carers Are Stars!” said Rosemary McLouglin, Deputy Director of VOCAL, pictured above with Catherine Corbett, Senior Carer Support Worker.
VOCAL’s Carer are Stars! campaign asks supporters to make a donation and put another star on the VOCAL Christmas tree, as well as highlighting the vital role carers play to look after the most vulnerable people in our communities.
“We have been doing so much virtually this year that we wanted to make our tree real. We will be genuinely hanging one of our special stars on our tree when you make a donation” added Rosemary.
To find out more about the festive programme of workshops and short breaks for carers please call VOCAL or go to vocal.org.uk/news/stars-edinburgh-2020/ for activity in Edinburgh or vocal.org.uk/news/stars-midlothian-2020/ for the Midlothian programme.
To donate go to vocal.org.uk/carersarestars or to VOCAL’s JustGiving Carers Are Stars! campaign page.