Mother and Daughter Gail and Abbi Jenkins placed their stars on our Christmas tree as they made a donation to VOCAL’s Carers Are Stars! campaign.
The pair delivered a cheque of over £1,743 for the Midlothian Wee Breaks service that helps carers take some time away from caring and participate in activities and short trips.
They received donations from friends and family after the passing of Bob, husband and father, for whom the pair cared for.
Gail said: We were so delighted to receive contributions from over 100 people on our Facebook fundraiser.
Gail and Abbi presented the gift to VOCAL Midlothian.
Although VOCAL’s offices are closed to ‘drop in’ visits, we are working and here to support carers. Get in touch if you want to find out more about Wee Breaks or any of VOCAL’s services.