Take a look under our 'Treasure Tree' - VOCAL

Take a look under our ‘Treasure Tree’

Treasure Tree is VOCAL’s enterprising arm, set up to offer an avenue of low-impact income for carers through realising funds from their unwanted goods. Put simply, carers bring their unwanted saleable items to Treasure Tree. Treasure Tree handles the complexities of the sale (everything from valuation and storage, to photography and shipping!) and profits go back to the carer, with the option to donate a portion of the proceeds to support VOCAL.

Treasure Tree aims to specialise in mobility equipment, since this can spread the benefits to more carers by helping to reduce the cost of caring. However the service handles all sorts of goods from jewellery and clothing, vintage collectables and toys, right through crafting and DIY supplies, sporting goods and more.

With Christmas approaching why not take a look at Treasure Tree’s eBay shop front, maybe some of what’s under our tree might go well under yours? Shopping and supporting carers all in one!

[button type=”vocal” size=”lg” link=” https://www.ebay.co.uk/str/treasuretreeforvocalcarers”]visit Treasure Tree on eBay[/button]

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