Making your will can be a reassuring task. It is a piece of personal administration that puts your mind at rest. But is can also be challenging to think ahead to a time when you won’t be there and that is why many people put off this task. Julie Forster of VOCAL and John Campbell of Beveridge and Kellas Solicitors talk about the impact of legacies…….
“Making a will is actually quite straightforward for the majority of people” says John Campbell, Partner at Beveridge & Kellas Solicitors. “It is about ensuring that family are taken care of and that your decisions are articulated and respected. There is a sense of pride and contentment among many people when they complete the will-making process.”
John has also seen how his clients formulate their charitable giving as part of their legacy with many people wanting to do good for their community and for causes close to their hearts: “Once family are remembered, many people want to help a charity by making provision for a donation in their legacy” says John whose office is based right next to VOCAL’s in Leith and offers free consultations to carers and the cared-for person on will-making.
“I have seen how people are thinking carefully about what difference they want to make in the world, and how to ensure that any gift genuinely helps others. They consider carefully the impact of their chosen charity in the lives of the people around them.”
VOCAL has received a number of legacies over its 25-year history, left by those who want to support other carers or as a thank you for the support received from the charity.
“Every legacy is received with huge gratitude because we know that people want to help us reach out to more carers. It is a very special kind of gift – not just because of the heartfelt consideration of VOCAL made by the donor – but because these gifts help us to grow and develop new and innovative services for carers” says Julie Forster of VOCAL. “These are mission-focused gifts and our mission is to ensure that every carer is knowledgeable, resilient and in the best possible physical and mental health to carry out their caring role.”
So how to leave a legacy to VOCAL?
A legacy is a specific gift of money, shares or property that you decide to leave to VOCAL once you have honoured your family and loved ones. It may be an exact amount or it could be a share or percentage of your estate after all other considerations are taken care of. It may be a modest amount or something substantial but VOCAL pledges that it is used to advance our mission. VOCAL has a leaflet available for anyone who wants to find out a more about the will-making process.
Why not ask your solicitor about leaving a legacy to VOCAL? If you want advice on the will-making process then Beveridge & Kellas are happy to provide a free 30 minute consultation to carers, and those they care for, to ensure that they too can get the reassurance that all is in order.
“A gift in your will is a very special gift to the exceptional people who are carers in our communities” added Julie.
For more information about VOCAL and the offer from Beveridge & Kellas, please contact Sebastian Fischer at VOCAL on 0131 622 6666 or via email on .