Agenor Technology and Voice of Carers Across Lothian (VOCAL) agree partnership to support carers in the community
We are pleased to announce that Agenor Technology and Voice of Carers Across Lothian (VOCAL) are working in partnership to support of unpaid carers in Edinburgh and Midlothian.
As a ‘Carer Positive Employer’, a Scottish Government funded initiative, Agenor are committed to ensuring a supportive workplace for carers providing a variety of support to help employees balance the demands of work and the commitments associated with being a carer.
“For many people caring for someone is a demanding part of daily life, the value of which has been highlighted even more by the COVID-19 pandemic. Our partnership with VOCAL is our way of showing our gratitude and demonstrates our ongoing commitment to our Corporate and Social Responsibility (CSR) principles, which guides us to conduct our business in a way that has a positive impact on the communities that support us.
We look forward to working closely with VOCAL and helping them in areas such as communication, IT support, fundraising and sponsorship so they can do what they do best, providing vital services and support to carers across Edinburgh and Midlothian whose important work is often unpaid and goes largely unnoticed.”
– Gary Montgomery, CEO, Agenor Technology
VOCAL are excited to be partnering with Agenor Technology supporting them with their commitment to working carers, developing internal carers policies to embed a culture of caring in the workplace.
Agenor Technology are an exemplar organisation who value the health and wellbeing of all employees, and have a culture of volunteering and support as a result of their commitment to supporting local communities and charities.
“The partnership with Agenor has enabled VOCAL to reach new audiences and carers, raising the profile of VOCAL and the role of unpaid carers within the company, as well as with Agenors wider networks.
VOCAL value the expertise and skills Agenor employee volunteers are able to offer, also the positive outlook and drive to share skill sets enabling VOCAL to progress projects with expertise in areas of communications and IT”
– Hayley Burton, Development Officer, VOCAL
VOCAL works closely with local Edinburgh and Midlothian employers to develop and shape carer positive working environments offering advice, training and resources to employees and managers. If your business is interested in finding out more contact Hayley Burton by email or call 0131 622 6666.