VOCAL Edinburgh Carers Hub continue to support unpaid carers across Edinburgh through remote working during the pandemic. You don’t have to be a relative, or to live with the person, to be a carer.
[button type=”vocal” size=”lg” link=”http://vocal.org.uk/referrals/”]Use our online referral form to register for support[/button]
If you help someone manage a condition or disability, for instance by giving emotional or practical support then you are an unpaid carer. Our current range of support includes:
One to one support
We offer short to medium term confidential one to one advice and support using telephone or video chat sessions.
We can offer weekly counselling sessions, also by telephone or video chat for carers who are looking for support with the emotional impact of the caring role.
Short breaks
We can help you apply for funding so you can purchase items that could help you have a break from caring. This can include laptops or tablets, a garden shed, play equipment or online courses.
Anticipatory care or will surgeries
A 30 minute consultation with a professional to get advice on how to set up an anticipatory care plan or make a will
Peer support and training
We have just finalised our new online carer training programme which includes:
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Thursday 7 May, 10-11am – Prioritising self-care during Coronavirus
Monday 11 May 10am-11am, Caring and Coronavirus – everything you need to know
Tuesday 19 May 2pm-3pm, Improving confidence to access online resources
Wednesday 27 May 2pm-3pm, Understanding the impact of Coronavirus on your life
Monday 1 June, 10am-11am, Money Matters during Coronavirus
Wednesday 10 June 10am-11am, Support and services available in Edinburgh during Coronavirus
Friday 19 June 10am-11am, Managing relationships during social isolation
Wednesday 24 June 2pm-3pm, Shaping your own support during Coronavirus
To find out more or to access any of these services please call VOCAL on 0131 622 6666 or visit our self referral page