Here are full details of festive opening times in Edinburgh and other support available through the holidays:
Christmas can be fun but it can also be a challenging time for many carers. Family relationships can be put under strain, it can be expensive, and the break from our usual daily routine can leave us feeling a little lost.
Here at VOCAL we recognise the additional difficulties Christmas and New Year can bring, so we’ve a range of events – both out and about in the community and here at the Edinburgh hub – to help. Some are things you can come along to by yourself, others you might want to bring a friend or go with the person you care for.
VOCAL Edinburgh opening times between Christmas and New Year
The Edinburgh Hub will close at 3:00pm on Tuesday 24th December and re-open for normal business on Friday 3rd January at 9:00am. In between these times we have the following special opening hours and events
Open Day 30th of December
- 10:00am – 4:00pm Phone support, call us on 0131 622 6666 for information or support
- 11:00am – 3:00pm Drop-in for coffee, cake and a chat. We will also have a range of board and card games to play
- 2:00pm – 3:00pm Relax and unwind with a Guided Meditation session
Open Day 31st of December
- 10:00am – 4:00pm Phone support, call us on 0131 622 6666 for information or support
- 11:00am – 3:00pm Drop-in for coffee, cake and a chat. We will also have a range of board and card games to play
- 1:00pm – 2:00pm Relax and unwind with a Guided Meditation session
- 1:00pm – 3:00pm SMART Family and Friends meeting, support for those concerned about another’s drug or alcohol use
In case you missed our festive season open days last year here’s how they went:
There was a lovely warm and welcoming atmosphere with plenty of tea, coffee and cake keeping us fed and watered. There was time for chat and some particularly hard fought games of dominos and UNO for the brave as well as the chance for some proper relaxation with guided meditation sessions.
Other Festive Events at VOCAL
We are holding a half day events about surviving Christmas as a carer. One at Edinburgh Carers’ Hub Leith Walk on December 18th and one at the Haven in South Queensferry on 11 December. Come along to either coffee morning for a safe space to share techniques and tips to make this time of year a little more joyous.
Festive Day Trips
There are lots of choices available for a free short trip, ranging from vouchers for a coffee and cake to a trip to the pantomime! Here are our Edinburgh festive trips this year, clicking the dates will open each event’s page on our weebreaks.com hub where you can register:
The Snow Queen Ballet at the Festival Theatre – December 27th 7:30pm
Goldilocks and the Three Bears at the Kings Theatre – January 2nd 2:00pm
Giant Lanterns at Edinburgh Zoo – December 28th 10:00am – 10:00pm
Forth One Big Wheel at Princes St Gardens – December 18th or December 20th
Dalkeith Country Park Spectacle of Light – 17th December 6:30pm – 7:30pm
Arthur Christmas special screening in Dalkeith – 7th December 3:00pm
Cinderella at the Brunton in Musselburgh – December 18th 7:00pm or January 3rd 2:00pm
Places are limited so book early, and as always you can call us on 0131 622 6666 to talk about these or any other ways we might support you this festive season.
Last but not least…
… we’re wishing every carer a happy and stress-free Christmas, but knowing where to turn for help if you need it (even if you never do) can help keep those stress levels down. So here are some useful numbers, just in case.
- Edinburgh Health and Social Care (Social Work): 0131 200 2324 / 0800 731 6969 (out of hours emergency)
- NHS 24: Non emergencies dial 111 (or contact GP)
- Police Scotland: Non emergencies dial 101
For emergencies (ambulance, fire and police): dial 999 - Accident & Emergency Departments (A&E):
Aged 13 & over – Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh: 0131 563 1000
Under 13 years – Royal Hospital for Sick Children: 0131 536 0000
All ages A&E Dept., St. Johns Hospital, Livingston: 01506 532000 - Samaritans: 116 123 (free from mobile & landline)
- Breathing Space: 0800 83 85 87
- 24h Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0800 027 1234
- Edinburgh Crisis Centre (mental health): 0131 537 6000
- Psychiatric Emergency Team: 0131 537 6000
- Antisocial Behaviour Helpline: 0131 529 7050
- If you smell Gas: 0800 111 999
- Water supply emergencies: 0845 600 8855
- Electricity power cuts:
Scottish Hydro: 0800 300 999
Energy Networks: call 105 to report power faults