We’re proud to announce that VOCAL has become an accredited Living Wage employer. We join almost 6,000 other employers around the UK in voluntarily committing to pay above minimum wage and in line with the cost of living, showing we believe that everyone should get a fair day’s pay for a hard day’s work.
The real Living Wage is calculated annually by an independent organisation called the Resolution Foundation and overseen by the Living Wage Commission. It is based on the best available evidence about living standards in the UK, and uses a reference basket of goods drawn from the Minimum Income Standard to identify everyday living costs through public consensus. To be clear this is different to the UK Government’s “National Living Wage” which isn’t calculated based on actual living costs.
VOCAL has made the commitment that we – and any suppliers we have ongoing contracts with – will compensate our workers fairly, and in line with the actual cost of living. This echoes our long-standing commitment to ensuring that carers get a fair deal financially, with initiatives such as our welfare rights and benefits surgeries and our home energy surgeries and by supporting working carers.