Each year Carers UK commission a State of Caring report compiling a picture of caring across the UK. This summer’s report highlighted amongst other things the shocking levels of loneliness and isolation carers face.
Compared with the general population carers are seven times more likely to say they are always or often lonely. Over half (54%) of the general population say they are never or hardly ever lonely. This compares starkly with carers: just 1 in 6 (18%) of unpaid carers would say the same. Overall, 8 in 10 (81%) of all carers responding to the Carers UK survey reported having ever felt lonely or isolated as a result of their caring role. 8 in 10. That’s staggering.
Carers’ support is valued as a £132 billion a year asset to the UK, but what of the personal costs to carers?
Here at VOCAL we have a range of ongoing and one off services aimed to help carers with this emotional burden. Our comprehensive rolling program of free training courses and events includes many courses specifically aimed to combat isolation, courses on Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), communications skills and self-advocacy, and our ever popular Words that Change Minds series all equip carers with the skills to break free of their isolation, while social focused courses such as our gallery tours, art, drama and craft courses all provide a relaxed environment to meet other carers in similar situations.
Our COSCA recognised counselling service also provides emotional support to carers from trained therapists with financial contributions agreed at a level to suit individual carers circumstances.
If your caring role is leaving you feeling lonely or isolated please get in touch, you can ring our carer support team on 0131 622 6666 or email