Caring in the City newsletter Issue 70 - VOCAL

Caring in the City newsletter Issue 70

The latest VOCAL Caring in the City newsletter is out now and has been mailed to over 6,500 carers in Edinburgh.

In this issue:

  • Introducing Treasure Tree – VOCAL’s new social enterprise to sell unwanted items online.
  • VOCAL carer survey reports 2017 – find out what carers think about services and how caring affects their lives.
  • Spotlight on NW Edinburgh carer support.
  • Managing your own response when someone close to you misuses alcohol or drugs.
  • Art in the City.
  • Support for carers at the Eric Liddell Centre.

[button type=”vocal” size=”lg” link=”/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/CN70_web.pdf”]Download now[/button]

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