Find out about free carer training April-June 2016 - VOCAL

Find out about free carer training April-June 2016

Our latest carer training and events programme from April to June 2016 is out now.

There are a range of courses aimed at improving carers’ knowledge and skills to help them in their caring role and their own wellbeing.

Upcoming courses include:

  • From care at home to care home – explore how your role and life may change when someone you care for moves into a care home
  • Caring for someone with Huntingdon’s disease (7 session course)
  • Preventing falls
  • Discover poetry – learn about poetry and have a go at writing your own. No experience necessary!
  • Stress management and
  • Anger management

and many more! As well as improving your confidence as a carer, coming along to a course or group is a great opportunity to meet other carers and share knowledge and experiences with people who understand your situation.

You can find out about all the courses we offer, all of which are free to carers living in Edinburgh, on the Carer Events & Training website.

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